
I'm Just Not...

one of those lovey-dovey blogger moms where everything is hunky dory and that I am really grateful all the time...

That was actually one reason I hesitated starting a blog, because I thought it might lure me into presenting a false image...or start trying to desperately be someone I'm not, just for appearances sake.

Then I realized that all of bloggers I judged, probably have bad days, and they just don't write about them, because who wants to dwell on that stuff, right?

Well I do.

Today stunk. I screamed and went berserk, and I feel like a real life crazy person today.

I hate to sound ungrateful. I have a good life and all that (blah blah blah)...

AND I know that I have the power to change my attitude (blah, blah, blah)...

AND the day is not over, in fact I'm just about to head out to a birthday party.

Right or wrong, I feel like garbage. Crazy-lady-mean-mother- snarling-foaming-in-the-mouth garbage.

A nice, dark, quiet padded room sounds REALLY nice right now. But instead, I'm going to make a salad- and go see my family (which will help, I'm sure).


Nicol said...

This sounds like me today, all day including right now. The one evening that I really need a break and there is not one in store until bedtime.

Hopefully the Birthday party will help change your mood. That usually works for me. Not necessarly a Birthday party, but just escaping for a while. That is not an option because I have a flat tire. Well, the donut-tire is on, but I'm not supposed to drive it. And with it being a million degrees outside, I feel trapped!

The Dipo's said...

AMEN!!! SISTER!!! I have felt like this all week!! I'm going up to Idaho dangit... I need to get out of this house! I hope tomorrow is better for you!

Kathleen said...

This is the reason I think you are so great...because you are so real! If you happen to find that nice, dark, quiet padded room, can you invite me?

roamingjones said...

I feel for you Melissa. I have more days like that than I care to admit.