
" You Are The WORST Mom...

...In the History!!!! "

That's me tonight. Yipee.

"Of What? In the history of what?" I said.

"I don't even know what it really means, but you are!" said Jack.

Eddie said, "I hate you". It was not meant to be heard, as this strong declaration is a BIG no-no in our family. He claims it was directed at "No One."

Ada's crying too. Her hysterics drown out any perspicuity...

You know? They're kind of right. So often I handle things in the absolute WRONG way. I know so little about how to do this whole mothering thing. I should spend more time on my knees, praying for guidance, clarity, A MIRACLE!

I should be more patient.

I should smile more.

I should be more organized.

I should plan more activities.

I should be more kind.

I should quit making this never ending list before I start to feel like the scum that grows under the scum of the slimiest, smelliest slug.

I know I can be better, do better. I will. I must, or else it's the dark abyss for us all. ;)

Aside from starkly revealing my many weaknesses, being a mother has taught me a couple of bonus lessons: Luckily, children are quick to forgive. And it's never to late to stop, take a deep breath and start fresh (again). Right now.

I better go tuck in the little darlings...If they'll let me. I think I need to be sent to bed, too.

Sweet Dreams,
"No One"


Phillip and Mary said...

YOu are much too hard on yourself! I love you! I miss you! I love your WV stuff...I'm learning so much! :)

D said...

I can relate to how you feel. As a teacher, I had 31 kids. And I never felt like I was being a good enough teacher. I have a hard time imagining what it will be like to be with kids 24/7.

D said...

Oh, and thanks for reading my blog!

Rikki, Seth, Bronson, Madison, Gracie said...

Add this to your list sis....
I should stop being so hard on my self. I just got August ensign yesterday and the first page I turned to was pg.60. I also have been struggling with the kids...A LOT. Read the articles this month. They were really helpful to me. I love you and don't see you enough. call.

cristie said...

BALONEY! don't even go there. all you have to be is good enough and you've got that down perfectly. after all they are the kids...you GET to be the parent. don't get sucked into that nonsense. xox

Kathleen said...

oh melissa, you are much too hard on yourself...but I know what you mean. This may sound silly and simple but I have made a conscious effort to hug my kids at least 5 times every day. It's helping me be more and compassionate and a little more patient!

alison said...

i love you.

lynette said...

Hey, didn't you forget to mention that you sometimes pull your car into Tim's spot. Oh the shame!

Who knew you were such a masochist?

I'm glad all the people who came before me in commenting set you straight.

you're amazing. Love Mom