
A Day In the Life...

I think I will just post like this every once in a while.  Just a snapshot of day to day living.

First:  Here I am at 27 weeks -

It is really hard for me to take pictures of myself like this...
But I do wish I had more pictures of when I was pregnant with my other kids.
So I will be a sport and try to have fun with it.

 NEXT:  An unexpected food success!  There I was, 7 O' Clock pm, and no dinner on the horizon and not much in the way of groceries at our house.  I scraped together some ingredients and made Black Bean burgers...

The whole time I'm thinking to myself, "Just sell it like it's going to be absolutely delicious and maybe the kids will go for it."

The LOVED them. 

My favorite part was the sauce I made to put on top. I mixed up a concoction of  sour cream, lime zest, lime juice, cilantro and salsa:   I could put this on a lot of things and be very happy. 

SPRING FEVER: I am loving the warmer weather and beautiful days.  I am constantly finding myself taking breaks out on my front porch so I can take it in...

...It beats being inside and having to look at this:

I should have a "no flat surface" policy at my house.  They all end up like this, UGH.

Finally:  I should take a picture of our new toilet (but I won't).  It cost us a pretty penny (old homes don't make any fix up quick or easy).   I suppose I would need to include a picture of our new main drain as well.  I'm just going to have to tell our new baby that he had to sleep in a drawer* because the rest of us needed a toilet that would flush the first time, every time.   We only have one toilet.  It needs to be a good'n.  You know?

One day he'll be grateful. 

I realize that most of these pictures are poor quality.  Not to mention the entire post being kind of pointless.  Still, it's the most journaling I've done in months, so it's just going to have to count.   Plus, it keeps me from having to face that ecclectic pile-o-junk  atop the dresser in our living room.

(*I'm kidding - we have a crib.)

1 comment:

cristie said...

this is such a fun post. the photos bring me up to speed in your lovely world.

nothing about this is pointless...and the food looks amazing. xox