
Being Stretched

I am trying out a yoga book.  

I am so stiff.  So weak and unbalanced. It is a lot of work to try and move this way.  I fall down a lot.  Despite this, I find that it feels soooooo good.

I can't help thinking how much it is like my life right now.

Bending to new ways of living.
Most of it is really, really good stuff
And some of it is a bit scary / unsure / or just plain challenging

Well, it's a mix of both, really, I guess

Sam the bishop, the devoted dad, the kind husband to a hormonal and sleep deprived wife,  facing a still unknown career change -and doing it all with poise, and purpose.  Truly a great man.   

Fast approaching teenage years - and teenage challenges - delightful and sweet

New baby - New bliss - Relearning everything again

It will sound silly, but the yoga is helping to remind me in all areas of my life

to breathe,
find balance,
be purposeful,
accept what I can do - accept my current limits - but continue to stretch myself,
and always, always make time for restoration and meditation (which, for me, includes prayer).

I am hoping to get to the point where it becomes a daily practice.  It's hard.  I am hardly ever in the mood to start.  But it's good to stretch. 


1 comment:

cristie said...

i've read a lot of things today, but this is by far my favorite.
everything i needed and didn't know i was looking for.
