
Sanctuary In a Glass of Chocolate Milk...

My Jackie-Boy. He's a sweet, affectionate, cuddly, silly, super smart, super stubborn boy.

Memorial Day '08: Jack showing of his Paddle-Ball tricks

His mother? Is quick to snap, correct, harp and yell. I want my orders to be obeyed before I'm done finishing my sentences (I'm really trying to work on this). And he internalizes the tiniest mistakes and reacts by arguing and being purposely difficult, especially when he feels misunderstood. (Can't say I really blame the kid).

The other day I was just about driven to tears, feeling guilty for having lost it (once again) and being clueless as to any solutions...I have been praying in my heart to figure out how to be better...relate better, with Jack and my other two children.

Tonight at the dinner table, the kids inquired about dessert. Looking at the wreckage that is my kitchen I said, "Not a thing." They looked disappointed. Which is funny to me, because I rarely make dessert.

I came up with a plan. "If you guys go to your rooms and read for an hour (yeah, an HOUR), I'll come get you and we'll have some chocolate milk and maybe we can pick which book we want to read this summer." They readily agreed, and I was glad to have some time to clean up my kitchen (Sam wasn't home). Memorial Day '08: Jack turning Paddle-Ball into a Paddle-Tree

An hour goes by, the kitchen is clean (ahhhh...) and I holler for the kids. Jack comes skipping out of the room saying "Yessss!". No Eddie. No Ada. I go to check on them and they are fast asleep.

So it was just me, Jack and our tall glasses of chocolate milk with straws. He liked watching the milk in the glass lower as he sucked on the straw, and we "raced" a couple of times, but it started making both of us sick. He said cute, silly things and we laughed. It was nice to just listen and watch his sweet face. No grimacing, no ordering, no arguing, no agenda, nowhere to rush to.

Then we went off to bed, and I lay next to him as he read me some Calvin and Hobbes comics. He LOVES this book and I love listening to him crack up whenever he gets to the punch line. And when he asks me what words mean, like; aerobic and perseverance.

He decided he'd had enough, put the book down (I had a book of my own) and kissed me on the cheek.

It was the best. THE BEST. I think we both really, really needed that one on one time. What a blessing.

P.S. Sorry if there are TONS of errors, or if this is extra difficult to read. I'm not proofreading this. I don't have the time.


Nicol said...

I think one-on-one time is important. How nice that you were able to spend that time with him. We all have our days when we loose our cool and it is really nice to think that our children will remember those simple times with us. He will remember this time!

cristie said...

sweet insight to a dear boy. xox

The Dipo's said...

Ahhh.... How cute!

Phillip and Mary said...

Wow, Mis! What an awesome time. I love having kids..what is richer??? Jack has always been a love. Pictures of him snuggling with Grandpa Workman at 18 mos. at my wedding to me say it all. I miss you!

lynette said...

Oh this is such a wonderful moment you've captured! You're both amazing.

swensen squeeze said...

Love this post! It was so sweet!

roamingjones said...

I don't think a day goes by when I don't lose a bit of my temper. Keep up the good work! What an awesome Mom you are!

Deb said...

K...so I pretty much blubbler through most of your posts and this was no exception! You are such a great Mom.